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Your $50 monthly gift changes a child’s life forever.

84% of your gift goes straight to your sponsored child’s education, healthcare, breakfast, and lunch. For more detail, click here to visit our Financial Transparency page.

Mother Miracle is a 501(c) (3) Nonprofit registered in the USA  from 2007 to present. Mother Miracle Trust is a 12A and 80G NGO registered in India from 2005 to present. All donations are tax-deductible.
We do not receive any government funding from India or USA.

You can give with confidence

We strive to allocate the majority of our donated funds towards Program Related Expenses, while simultaneously keeping our Fundraising and Administration costs to a minimum.

That’s why we share our financial data with platforms like GuideStar to provide you with the transparency needed to make well-informed decisions. Learn more.
